Author Guidelines

Submission Guidelines for Book Authors at SPSR Periodicals

We are committed to helping authors bring their work to a global audience. To ensure quality and consistency across all publications, please review and follow these submission guidelines:

1. Book Proposal Submission
Proposal Form: Begin by submitting a book proposal. This should include a synopsis, target audience, estimated word count, and a sample chapter (if available). Outline: Include a chapter-by-chapter outline, summarizing key concepts or content. Author Background: Provide a brief bio with relevant expertise, publications, and experience related to the book’s subject.

2. Manuscript Formatting Requirements
Document Format: Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.docx) to facilitate editing. Font and Spacing: Use Times New Roman (12 pt) for the body text, with 1.5 line spacing and 1-inch margins. Structure: Organize your manuscript in the following order: Title Page: Title, subtitle, author(s) name(s), and affiliation(s). Table of Contents: Include chapter and subheading titles. Preface/Introduction: Optional section to provide an overview and context for the book. Chapters: Number each chapter and start each on a new page. Conclusion: Summarize or reflect on the content and intended impact. References: Include citations formatted consistently (APA, MLA). APA Style Examples
Book: Last Name, First Initial. (Year). Title of the book. Publisher. Journal Article: Last Name, First Initial. (Year). Title of the article. Journal Name, Volume (Issue), page range. DOI (if available) MLA Style Examples
Book: Last Name, First Name. Title of the Book. Publisher, Year. Journal Article: Last Name, First Name. "Title of the Article." Journal Name, vol. Volume, no. Issue, Year, pp. page range. Appendices and Index (if applicable): Supporting materials and an alphabetical index of topics.

3. Illustrations, Figures, and Tables
Quality Requirements: Images should be a minimum of 300 DPI. Submit graphs, charts, and tables in editable formats (e.g., Excel or high-resolution images). Captions: Each image, figure, or table should be properly labeled with a caption and a reference in the text. Placement: Indicate where each figure or table should be placed within the text or include them directly within the manuscript.

4. Permissions and Copyright
Third-Party Content: Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions for any copyrighted material (e.g., illustrations, extended quotes). Original Work: Ensure that all content submitted is original and unpublished. If any material has been previously published, specify and cite appropriately. Copyright Transfer: Authors must sign a copyright transfer agreement with SPSR Periodical upon acceptance.

5. Review and Revision Process
Peer Review: Submitted manuscripts will undergo a peer review process. Feedback will be provided, and revisions may be requested. Response to Feedback: Authors should respond to reviewer comments thoughtfully, with tracked changes or an accompanying letter explaining any major revisions.

6. Production and Proofing
Proofreading: After the manuscript is typeset, authors will have the opportunity to review and approve proofs. Only minor corrections should be made at this stage. Layout and Design: SPSR Periodical’s design team will handle the book layout, cover design, and typesetting to meet professional standards. Final Approval: Authors must provide final approval on the typeset manuscript before it goes to print.

7. Publishing Packages and Author Copies
Publishing Packages: Choose from our Opal, Emerald, and Sapphire packages based on your desired number of copies and services. Packages include different levels of author support, marketing, and print distribution. Author Copies: Authors will receive hard copies as per their chosen package.

8. Promotion and Distribution
Author Platform: SPSR will create an author profile on our website. Marketing Support: We provide social media and digital marketing, press releases, and distribution to bookstores and online platforms. Events and Webinars: Opportunities to participate in SPSR events, such as book launch webinars or expert interviews.

9. Post-Publication Support
Ongoing Sales and Distribution: SPSR will manage inventory, sales, and distribution channels. Royalty Payments: Authors will receive royalties as per the agreement terms. Sales reports are available quarterly for transparency.

10. Submission Checklist
Use this checklist to confirm your manuscript is complete and ready for submission: ☐ Manuscript adheres to the formatting guidelines
☐ Proposal, synopsis, and author bio are included
☐ Figures, tables, and images meet resolution and quality requirements
☐ All permissions for third-party materials have been obtained
☐ References are formatted per the specified style guide
☐ Appendices, acknowledgments, and an index (if applicable) are included

11. Submission Process
Once your manuscript and proposal are complete, submit them through the SPSR Periodicals online submission portal. Our editorial team will review your submission and provide feedback or request revisions if necessary.