SPSR Periodicals Book Proposal Form

Thank you for your interest in publishing with SPSR Periodicals. Please fill out the following information to help us assess your proposal.

1. Author Information

Author(s) Full Name:


Primary Contact Email:

Phone Number:

Brief Biography:

2. Book Information

Proposed Title:

Subtitle (if any):

Field/Subject Area:

Target Audience:

Purpose and Objectives:

3. Book Overview


Unique Selling Points:

Expected Word Count:

Estimated Completion Date:

4. Book Content

Chapter Outline:

Sample Chapter (Optional):

No file chosen

5. Competing Works

Similar Titles:

6. Author’s Vision

Goals for the Book:

Marketing and Promotion Ideas (Optional):

7. Additional Materials (if applicable)



8. Submission Checklist

Please confirm that you have included the following materials with your proposal:
  • Completed Proposal Form
  • Author Biography
  • Chapter Outline
  • Sample Chapter (if available)
  • Relevant Permissions (if applicable)
Please submit your completed form and any supporting documents via our online submission portal or email them to spsrperiodicals@gmail.com. We will review your proposal and get back to you within 1-2 weeks.

Note: Submitting this form does not guarantee publication. Our team will contact you regarding next steps if your proposal is accepted for further review.